Is your team fit for the Final Quarter?

Earlier we talked about the importance of teamwork in achieving success and asked if you had the best team in place to get you to the December 31st finish line ahead of your competitors?

If your team needs some extra motivation as we enter the final strait of 2012 check out Gantley Business Development’s Top Tips to motivate your team.

Take these 3 steps with each member of your team – starting today!

1 – Spend some quality time

We said “quality time” not “quantity time”.  One or two minutes of quality time on a regular basis are far more productive than a one hour review every year.

This will help you build a positive relationship with each team member. You’ll gain a much better understanding of them and how they’re handling the job.  Spending quality time will also encourage opinions and ideas to flow from them, giving team members a feeling of being ”in on” things which is a huge motivator.  It will also help you build an “early warning system” of any problems both business and personal.

2 – Give feedback
Tell each member of your team when they’re doing well and not so well on a regular basis.  Recent research suggested that up to 65% of employees received no recognition at work in the past year.  Are you one of those managers who thinks “why should I praise people when they’re only doing what they’re paid to do?”.  If you want a happy and motivated team then you need to tell them when they’re doing well.  It’s equally important to say when they’re not performing well – ignoring poor behaviour or coming down on the person like a ton of bricks won’t help.

3 – Empower your team
The term “Empowerment” has suffered as a result of being overused and misunderstood as a management buzzword.  Empowerment is really about using the knowledge, skill, experience and motivation power that’s already within your people and finding ways to harness it for the good of your business.  The majority of people in teams are severely under utilised. Your team have probably much more to offer in terms of skill, knowledge and experience.  Why not put this to the test straight away?

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