Is your business fit for the final quarter?

This summer we were inspired by the hard work, dedication and phenomenal performance of some of the world’s best sportsmen and women at Olympics 2012 – perhaps none more than Usain Bolt.  Bolt focuses over 70% of his training regime on his finish, the final few metres of each race which make the difference between winning and losing.    With the final quarter of the 2012 business year upon us, Gantley Business Development asks what we can all learn from the likes of Usain Bolt to ensure our businesses surge ahead of the competition in the final few metres.

Planning: Meticulous planning and preparation are key components in achieving success for any Olympic medal winner.  Have you done your business plan outlining the key results you want the business to deliver in Q4 and how you are going to achieve them?  If the answer is no, do this TODAY!

Perseverance: We were all inspired by the Summer’s many stories of how Olympic and Paralympic champions never give up, in spite of hurdles and past failures.  In business, this philosophy  is never more important than in the final quarter.  Put the head down and keep going no matter how challenging your year to date has been.

Leadership: The world’s greatest sportsmen and women are each true leaders – self starters with a clear vision of what they want to achieve, inspiring those around them to achieve greatness.  Are you being the best leader you can be in your business, motivating yourself and your team to achieve the best performance possible in the final quarter?

Peaking: All worldclass athletes know that peaking at the right time is important.  Plan and conserve your resources for the main event – a record breaking Q4!

Coaching: Usain Bolt is widely quoted as crediting the role of his coach as crucial in helping him pass the finish line consistently in first place.  Do you have the business support team around you to help you pass the finish line on 31st December ahead of your competitors?  If you need the support of a dedicated business coach to get your business fit for Q4, contact us today to discuss your business challenges and needs in strictest confidence.

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