About Sika

What is it?

A tried and tested approach to developing your Managers and your Organisation’s management capacity

  • A series of one-to-one mentoring sessions for your managers
  • Aimed at improving their skills and competence as a manager
  • Action based – with a focus on setting and implementing SMART actions between mentoring sessions


How is it structured?

  • The CEO of SIKA meets with the CEO (and if necessary the H.R. Director) of the Organisation, for the purpose of
    • Identifying the broad objectives of the organisation & the core challenges for the year ahead
    • Getting a profile of each Manager who will be mentored (strengths and areas for development, as perceived by the Organisation)
    • Agreeing the framework for mentoring – numbers of sessions, feedback process, etc..
  • A mentor is assigned to each Manager that is to be mentored – generally 3 mentoring sessions a day can be facilitated with a …..week break between each session
  • The mentor meets with the Mentee – sets ground rules and commences mentoring – Joint focus on the needs of the Organisation and the needs of the Mentee
  • Succinct records maintained with agreed actions and testing of same

What are the benefits for the Organisation / Company?

  1. Custom designed mentoring focussed on developing and improving the manager’s skills and competence
  2. Action based focus on improving skills
  3. Enables Managers / Mentees to gain insight into their level of competence from an independent external mentor
  4. Supports coaching / development / succession planning
  5. Support identification of areas for development
  6. External input can facilitate quicker progression / results

What are the benefits for Managers / Mentees

  1. An opportunity to reflect with an independent, external person
  2. Protected time for reflection and development
  3. Structured shaping of skills and competence
  4. Focussed action-based approach to improving management skills
  5. Can also focus on the Mentee developing and improving their team.


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Contact Sika Mentors for a no-obligation consultation and learn how to start getting what you want and need out of your business.

Woodstock Lodge, Inistioge, Kilkenny | +353 (0) 56 775 8755 | john@sikamentors.com