So have you heard about Brexit?
I’m sure you have, are you scared? you should be.
Or so we are led to believe, but maybe we just need to take a seat in our comfiest chair, and enjoy some herbal tea.

The bottom line is :

  • Brexit is talked about too much.
  • The Brexit fear is causing too many questions, and too much negative emotion.
  • People are afraid and the media are spreading this mentality.
  • We are seeing too much of the white haired Buffoon walking with his shirt tail hanging out.
As covered in Forbes Magazine previously, fear and spread of fear is contagious and most definitely damaging to our economic environment, so why do we keep doing it?
But we are not here to talk about the psychological affects of why, that’s for another article,
the following are proven ways that can be used Pre-Brexit and Post-Brexit to get you back on track.


   1.  Access:

Is Brexit really going to affect your Business?

   2. Plan:

Make a plan of what you need to do.

  3. Take action:

As the world famous sportswear companies marketing team once said:

                                                   ‘Just do it’

  4.  Grow your Sales:

Any change in the Economic landscape is also an Opportunity to grow, Look for    where you can grow.

‘This is your time to grow your business’


‘If its to be its up to me’

The following are Proven ways that can help……

  1. Increase your number of Clients:
  • Go out and meet new people and take on some new Clients.

2. Build on your existing relationships with current clients:

  • Go out meet your Clients find out what they want or what other Products/ services you can supply them.

3. Increase your average sale:

  • Go out and sell them more.
Ok, So to conclude, Fear and lack of confidence comes from the lack of a plan.
You can now do your: ‘Quick and dirty plan ‘ You can now start to take action,
The results will come: ‘Action leads to results’
For more info on how to take action, contact John at Sika Business Mentors.